Barcode Xpress Linux returns BX_Status for all API calls. For successful calls, it will have a value of BX_Status_OK. BX_Status_OK has a value of 0; Any other return value will indicate some error condition occurred. See error codes for the complete list of possible errors.
BX_Error provides access to more error information during processing:
The BX_AnalyzeResult and BX_CreateResult provide error information.
Listed below is a cross reference of error codes and their corresponding descriptions.
Error Codes | Error | Description |
9000 |
OutOfMemory |
There is not enough memory to continue the operation. |
9001 |
InvalidParameter |
Invalid parameter. |
9002 |
ParameterOutOfRange |
Parameter out of range. |
9003 |
InvalidBitmap |
Invalid bitmap. |
9004 |
UnableReadbitmap |
Unable to read bitmap. |
9005 |
UnsupportedBarcodeType |
Unsupported barcode type. |
9006 |
InvalidIndex |
Invalid index. |
9007 | InvalidBarcodeValue | Invalid barcode value set. |
9008 | InsufficientWidth | Insufficient barcode width. |
9009 | InsufficientHeight |
Insufficient barcode height. |
9010 |
UnableCreateUPCE |
Unable to create UPC-E Barcode. |
9011 |
InvalidLicense |
Invalid license. |
9012 |
TimeoutError |
Timeout Error. |
9014 |
InternalError |
Internal error. |
9015 |
InvalidArea |
Area is outside required range. |
9022 | UnsupportedBitDepth | The bit depth of the image is not supported by Barcode Xpress. |
9023 | NullResults | The results object is NULL. |
9024 | InvalidDIB | The DIB object is not valid. |
9100 |
PDF417Encoding |
PDF417 encoding error. |
9101 |
RowCount |
Invalid row count for the barcode type. |
9102 |
ColumnCount |
Invalid column count for the barcode type. |
9103 | SymbolCountError | There is an invalid number of symbols in the barcode. |
9104 |
LargeDataSize |
Barcode data too large for the barcode symbol size. |
9105 |
InvalidErrorCorrectionLevel |
Error correction level is invalid. |
9106 |
ErrorCorrectionLevelTooHigh |
Error correction level is too high, will not fit in barcode symbol with the data. |
9300 | UnableToReadParameters | The parameters could not be read. |
9301 | UnableToReadDIB | The DIB could not be read. |
9302 | InvalidResults | The results object is not valid. |
9303 | UnableToCreateResults | Could not create the results object. |
9304 | NoLicenseFound | A valid license could not be located on the machine. |
9305 | EncodeError | There is an error encoding the barcode value. |